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In 2015, the Vision of the Founder was to share her passion for quality and the fundamental belief that new solutions or growth in any organisation are only optimized when aligned to their overall purpose .
Finding a way to bring this to organisations was culminated in the establishment of a consortium of like-minded professionals with high quality standards and a dedication to customer development that resonates with the modern discerning consumer.
Image by Kelly Sikkema


How we Work

Develop a scope  - establish and maintain clarity of purpose.
Identify critical success factors - we can see the forest and the trees.
Define the implementation team - best suited, best qualified.
Work towards delivery - collaboration and guidance.
Success - delivering the what, achieving the why.


Always advised by the business objectives, these specialists function using a cross-functional, collaborative model that ensures that our clients receive the best-fit technology solution for their environment.
They each bring their own unique set of training and an expansive knowledge of various technologies and current best practices.
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In order to implement any solution there must be a clear understanding of the current business challenges and opportunities and their alignment to the overall strategic objectives.
With experience working on both the macro and micro levels of organisations, whether our clients need to  develop a road map for their next stage in development, streamline operational efficiency or completely revision their organisation, Civnic Associates is equipped to guide them.
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